• 01-5454370,01-5455532
  • np-info@mercycorps.org

Call for Expression of Interest: Parliamentarian Expert -Bridging Policy and Action for a Shared Vision for Resilience in Sudurpaschim and Madhesh Province

Call for Expression of Interest: Parliamentarian Expert -Bridging Policy and Action for a Shared Vision for Resilience in Sudurpaschim and Madhesh Province

Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within. Now, and for the future. Mercy Corps has been operating in Nepal since 2005, implementing programs in food security, agriculture, market development, financial services, girl’s education, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. We take a systems-based approach in our programming, with the aim of improving the lives and potential of vulnerable individuals and communities across Nepal.

Mercy Corps Nepal calls expression of interest from interested consulting firms/ individual consultants for Parliamentarian Expert -Bridging Policy and Action for a Shared Vision for Resilience in Sudurpaschim and Madhesh Province”.

The primary objective of this assignment is to engage parliamentarians in meaningful consultations to ensure that the government allocates sufficient budget and remains accountable in addressing disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change issues in Sudurpaschim and Madhesh Provinces. This will be achieved by actively engaging parliamentarians in these discussions, capturing their perspectives on the roles of government and development partners, and advocating for stronger policies and practices. The interested firms/ Individual can download the Scope of Work and Supplier Information Form (SIF) from https://nepal.mercycorps.org/procurement/

Interested consulting firms/ individual consultants who meet the required conditions are invited to submit the expression of interest providing following documents to np-procurement@mercycorps.org  by January 26, 2024:

  • Filled Supplier Information Form (SIF)
  • Company Profile (For Firm)
  • Financial proposal (daily remuneration including tax)
  • Firm Registration & Renewal certificate (for Firm)
  • Copy of VAT Registration Certificate (for Firm/individual)
  • Latest Tax clearance certificate (for Firm/individual)
  • CVs of Proposed Parliamentarian Expert
  • Relevant Past Experience list
  1. SOW_Senior+Parliemantarian+Expert
  2. Supplier Information Form (Standard)