Tender Notice for Security Services
First Published Date: 5 Feb 2025
Tender Reference: RFP-NP01-06-2025
Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within. Mercy Corps has been operating in Nepal since 2005, implementing programs in food security, agriculture, market development, financial services, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. We take a systems-based approach in our programming, with the aim of improving the lives and potential of vulnerable individuals and communities across Nepal
Mercy Corps is seeking a supplier to provide the Security Services for Mercy Corps Nepal Offices.
Interested suppliers submitting a bid will require to complete the Intent to Bid (ITB) and Suppliers Information Form (SIF) and submit the documents according to the guideline below:
- The suppliers can download the Intent to Bid Form and Supplier Information Form from https://nepal.mercycorps.org/procurement/
- Intend to Bid Form and Supplier Information can be picked up at Mercy Corps Office Sanepa-2, Kalika Marg, Lalitpur, Tel:015455532
- Bidders can send email to np-tenders@mercycorps.org and request the Intend to Bid Form and Supplier Information Form.
Completed Intent to Bid Forms and Supplier Information Forms must be submitted to Mercy Corps by 19th February 2025, 5:00 p.m. in one of the below methods. ITB submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
- Email completed Intent to Bid Form and Supplier Information Forms to
np-tenders@mercycorps.org with the Tender Reference number in the email subject line.
- Return completed Intent to Bid Form and Supplier Information Forms in person and put in the Tender Box placed at Mercy Corps office Sanepa-2, Kalika Marg, Lalitpur, Tel:015455532. The Tender Reference number should be written in the envelope.
After the closing date of this Tender Notice, the Request for Bid/ Proposal will be sent to the suppliers those who submitted Intent to Bid Forms. The Request for Bid / Request for Proposal will be sent according to the preference you have mentioned in the Intent to Bid Form.
Note: You are not required to submit a financial proposal at this stage.